Shadows of Light


Light discerning upon us, like flames,
Sometimes it’s pretty, sometimes it’s an illusion and sometimes it burns,

shadows of light

Shadows of light

Troubled by the past, cheated by the present, abandoned by the truth,
A hint of time, a longing for joy, a fear of deceit, from a pattern of unfaithfulness that keeps disturbing my peace,
A bond that keeps unlocking itself, as I grow older,


Abandoned by the truth

A treasure that reveals an empty box every time I touch it,
I know, I am being tried, tested and controlled, as cliché as it may sound,
I am being tried and tested, yes, for my endurance, but I cannot be controlled, that, no,

endure the test of time

Endure the test of Time

A Gypsy like me lives with an untamed soul, that can and will survive it all,

Listen to the Music

Untamed Gypsy soul

So I shall dance with the shadow until the light will learn to embrace it, and, reveal…

Dance with the shadow

Dance with the shadow

The mix of mysterious emotions,
The present characters, no matter how close,
Who will remain those shadows in my life, until they learn to dance with the lights and reveal them passers by.


19 responses »

    • Thank you Anastasia for your lovely comment, it means a lot to me. Living in the ‘shadows’ of light is a challenge and is sometimes too much to handle as I am a devotee of light and passionate about life and genuine love, those shadows can sometimes blur our vision…and disrupt our joy…
      Love and light to you too. May you always dance in the light and enjoy the love sparks as you do so.


  1. Pingback: Shadows of Light | demetrius13

  2. Hi, I shut down my last blog omtatjuan and now here I am in this new incarnation.. One s on pass.. I liked your words before and I chose to look for my friends to find again… Peace


  3. “So I shall dance with the shadow until the light will learn to embrace it…” A great metaphor for life! This is beautifully written. And thanks for the like and follow. Be well. ~Karen~


    • Thanks so much Karen. I am glad you enjoyed it. I believe that life is full of music and we should always dance in rejoice so that we can drive those shadows “that sometimes dim our views and paths” away and let the music and love lead our journey.
      May your path be always filled with music, light and dance.


  4. Beautiful… most especially “Dance with the shadow” speaks to me, though I must say that the other four aren’t exactly silent nor without being heard. Very moving all ! JJ


    • Thank you Jean Jacques, I love this post as well, it is the dance of freedom, the dance of power and the dance of oneness, where no one is dominant except the universe 🙂


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