It’s my Birthday, and you are Invited—Belated Post ☺ 14.01.15

It’s my Birthday, and you are Invited—Belated Post ☺ 14.01.15

Hello and welcome dear friends,

It has been a year, oh yeah it has, the good news is, I haven’t aged a bit, I just learnt, and grown and sown.

So, if you are on a diet today, forget it,’cause today we are going to celebrate, to enjoy and to eat every bit of my birthday cake.

chocolate and strawberry birthday cake

chocolate birthday cake

It has been, a long year,,,,

when the time is on

when the time is on

A year of learning, a year of forgiving, a year of encountering, a year of building, a year of hope, a year of prayer, a year of patience, a year of faith, and a year of waiting…

endure the test of time

endure the test of time

Today is the day, when I wrap it all up and decide, a new year has begun and so I will indulge in its abundance and start unwrapping a new gift every day, and hope that it will surprise me with more beautiful, heart warming treasures, soul venturing enthusiasm and give me a reason to celebrate more…

image source-google

every day is a gift (image source-google)

So Let us raise a toast – it is a reason to celebrate on The Same Day Every Year…My Birthday!

nadine mikhael

Nadine mikhael 14.01.15

23 responses »

  1. Happy (belated) birthday. 🙂



    This morning I reflected
    That today I am the same age as you were
    When I was as much younger than you
    As you are now older than me

    This just goes to show
    The kind of thing that happens
    When you start calibrating
    What you should be celebrating

    So what’s to celebrate
    What of worth then
    Gathered from the years?

    That it’s not what you see
    It’s the way that you view it
    It’s not what you do
    It’s the why that you do it
    It’s not what you’ve lived
    But the way you lived through it
    And that’s what really counts

    That you should neither judge nor aggravate
    The turmoil that surrounds you
    And everything is already perfect
    Whether you like it or not

    Why rush around in pursuit of pleasure
    When you could simply enjoy
    The suffering you already have?

    That there’s more to the I
    Than meets death
    And even if you’re dead important
    You’re not important dead

    Of course I forget most of this stuff
    For pretty much of the time
    But I wanted to make my birthday
    A day to remember


    Liked by 1 person

    • Lovely Dr. Zogheib I so identify with this quote! Thank you for your beautiful energy and your inspiring words. You are truly a gift. Gratitude, love and light to you always, 🙏☀️💗


    • Thanks for your comment.
      I love to find a reason to always celebrate, especially if it is my birthday but most of all it should be with my friends as there is no real celebration without sharing the fun and the joy 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Hey Nadine!

    Happy Birthday! Have a superb day! Please save a slice of that delicious looking chocolate cake for me lol Mmm

    One wonders just how far your spirit has flown during the past year, and how far it intends to fly in the next magical 365 days? 🙂


    DN – 27/01/2015

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hey DN, Thanks for your lovely words. Have saved you the most deliscious slice of my birthday cake 🙂 I think my Gypsy soul will continue flying, exploring, and soaring up high… will keep you posted dear friend.
      Sat Nam

      Liked by 1 person

  3. It’s amazing, no matter how old we grow, we enjoy our birthday. Happy Birthday, I am sure it was wonderful as each year you wanted it to be, Love you tons.


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