I am a traveler in space, searching for the truth, the truth about everything in a world full of clutter, and chaos. The answers I find, are my view of life and of the world.

Welcome, to my journey.
Nadine Haddad

Free soul Soul of a Gypsy

172 responses »

  1. Hi Nadine, nice to meet you, and to explore your interesting blog.
    Thank you so much for visiting our blog, and for the follow. I hope you enjoy the stories of our journey, both inner and outer.


  2. Greetings! Thanks for dropping by my blog and spending some time there.
    You have some great thoughts posted here. Glad to connect with you. Keep visiting. 🙂

    Love & Best wishes


    • Thank you Clarabelle, for stopping by and following my journey, I’m also looking forward to sharing my next gypsy soul journey with you and fellow bloggers.
      All the best


  3. Thank you so much for following my blog. It’s a pleasure to meet you my new friend :). Have a beautiful day! Maarit


  4. Hi Nadine,

    Thanks so much for the blog follow. It led me to your interesting blog, which I am now following.

    I love the design of your blog!

    Looking forward to reading more of your posts.



  5. Hi, thanks for stopping by on my blog. You have a wonderful looking blog, i am going to follow your thoughts now 🙂


  6. Hi Nadine, thank you for dropping by and following my blog. I like your journey ’cause it gives a sense of adventure with love and peace at its onset. 🙂


    • Thank you for dropping by. I left the about me a bit anonymous as I am exploring and traveling in space to learn more about me and about life.
      Please read my posts to get to know about my wondering, wandering and pondering gypsy spirit 🙂


  7. Throughout a lifetime there is much to learn, and in our understanding we can share our wisdom, enhancing time in a positive setting that has far reaching possibilities for all 🙂

    I look forward to reading more from your quest of life Nadine 🙂



    • Thank you Andro. It will be a pleasure to share my life journey with friends like you, your wise words shout something to me…and I think there is a new symbol that is triggering a new journey…which will again make me feel uneasy, until I start, painting my thoughts in words soon…I am also looking forward to my new post too…which I should publish before the new year…as I am so looking forward to closing this year and bidding it goodbye…


  8. Nadine, thanks so much for visiting my blog, Blackbutterfly7. Nice meeting you. I hope to become better acquainted with your blog.


  9. Thanks so much for following my Festival of Flowers blog! I appreciate it very much. I hope you will continue to follow Festival Of Flowers at its new location when we resume in March.


  10. Nice intro there Soul of a Gypsy. Many thanks for the follow on my wee blog, it is great to have you on board. If you have any requests or suggestions just let me know. As is my norm, I have started on our ‘About’ page and will now continue on with the tour. Have a great weekend, best wishes from Cork. MM 🍀


  11. Thank you for following my blog. I sincerely cherish the fact that people are interested in my thoughts and that I may actually help inspire them to live passionately. May blessings surround your day!!


    • Thank you for dropping by and for being a true inspiration to many of us. You breathe positivity and life through your words and blog and I will always be visiting more often for more inspiration 🙂
      Blessing and Well Wishes.


  12. Hi Nadine
    I nominate you for the
    Very Inspiring Blogger Award

    The announcemnt is scheduled
    in my que to post at 3 PM
    today — Eastern USA time.

    There isn’t any complicated
    requirements to accept it.

    Just click here (after 3 PM)

    Very Inspiring Blogger Award

    or load the post from
    your reader.

    Thanks for posting an
    inspiring blog.

    ~ Eric


  13. Dearest Nadine,
    I apologize for this late reply, I have had some health issues and haven’t been active on W.P. I’m Delighted to have you following my site. I look forward to catching up and reading your postings.
    Your New Friend, and Follower,


  14. Nadine, you are, in my experience, one of the Wonderful People in the World that spread Light, and Love, Hope and Peace. At WordPress, there are bloggers that consistently promote these qualities and work to be a force for peace and light in our world. I am nominating several today for the Being a Light in the World Award.

    Please fly by http://hunt4truth.wordpress.com/2014/03/07/being-a-light-in-the-world-award/ to learn more about YOUR Nomination.

    I Thank you — your work is the thanks for me.

    ~ Eric


  15. Hi Nadine!

    Thank you for following my blog!! It’s such a pleasure to connect with you. You’re an inspiration with your poems, stories & experiences. They can truly resonate with everyone at the soul level! You are amazing 🙂

    Looking forward to more of your creations! ❤


    • Dear Grace, I am so touched and so happy to read your comment. I am glad my words touch people’s hearts and souls, this is my intention, to share my Gypsy soul travels 🙂
      Thank you so much for your encouragement, and I am happy too that a beautiful soul and such a gifted person like you is a connection, I will also be visiting your blog often for angel inspirations. 🙂


  16. I enjoy reading your such amazing posts.This is between reality and wisdom of the sky.Have a wonderful day,Krystyna


  17. Hi Nadine, I wanted to say first of all you have a wonderful blog and a wonderful way with words. I also wanted to say thank you for sharing some of them with me, you posted a comment on one of my posts that touched my heart, unfortunately I had read it on my phone and was not able to get online with my laptop for a couple of days and it is somewhere in the many comments on my posts I am going to find it on my dashboard and respond properly yet wanted to express my gratitude and my appreciation for sharing such a wonderful and heartfelt comment and compliment! Thank you for sharing your love and your beauty, thank you for being you, you are quite amazing!


    • Hi Joe,
      Thank you so much for your lovely comment and for your encouraging words, it means a lot to me.
      You are such a talented artist who works wonderfully with words and with art, coloring our mind with your lovely visuals and posts:) and this Joe, is a magical combination.
      Lots of Blessings and Love


  18. Dear friend, Thank you very much, I was really happy to have been following your blog. I’m still a lot to figure out, and here I can only say that you are an awesome blogger, full Inspiring and hope you can inspire more readers. Thanks and greetings compassion from Gede Prama 🙂


  19. hi Nadine, so sorry for this late acknowledgment but i thought i’d visit a bit to ty for following my poetry,
    encouragement is always really appreciated. it was a treat to read your poetry this morning, a most wonderful way to begin the day.


    • Hello there dear friend..
      Thank you so much for dropping by and taking the time to read my posts, it gives me great pleasure to hear such beautiful comments from my follower friends and especially from someone as talented as you.
      Wishing you a great day ahead today and always 🙂


  20. Hi Nadine 🙂

    Transience seems to be a friend we share whilst walking the many roads through life, so I couldn’t let a fellow traveller pass me by without saying ‘hello’. And especially another Butterfly soul at that.

    Lovely to have you linger a while on my Blog and bring a little light and warmth with you to a quiet corner of WordPress. I hope the paths our flighty soul’s take will cross in the wilderness again sometime. And until they next do, I’ll drop by here at your charming home and see what pleasures life has brought you.

    Happy travelling Nadine 🙂

    DN – 26/04/14


    • Hello Dewin Nefol,

      So glad to see we share so many things in common, like butterflies, “symbols of beauty, grace and freedom” and transience (flying through the so many roads of life and making each journey worthwhile whether good or bad), and words, that are not just words but images and paintings crafted from the soul and shared with love for those who appreciate to see, to hear, to feel and to enjoy with us the journey. 🙂

      You have such an amazing blog as well, and words that are so eloquently and beautifully written, that even the butterflies can get jealous sometimes 🙂

      Thank you for sharing and enjoying my journey so far. Until we meet again.


      • Hey Nadine,

        What beautiful words: enchanting and charming, rich and fragrant, you are a wonderfully generous and expressive soul with the deft touch of an artist, a writer whose words are spun from an inky pool of silver…thank you 🙂

        Until we meet again…travel lightly, travel free.


        DN – 28/04/14


      • Such lovely and magnificent words streaming from a wonderful soul and friend who I met through my Gypsy soul journey…I am grateful and in love with your blog and your mesmerizing words Dewin Nefol!
        Until we meet again.

        Love and Peace


  21. Thank you for following “A Way With Words.” My joy in writing is made more complete when people read what I’ve written (and even more as they respond).

    I write primarily about faith and mental illness, but I’m also known to dabble in other subjects, stories, and even the occasional poem. If you have any requests, please let me know.

    I appreciate what you have going here on your blog. I pray you are blessed on your life journey and in your writing, as you bless others.

    Tony Roberts


    • Dear Tony,
      You really have a great “way with words” your words are so powerful and are so energizing 🙂 Thanks for the blessings and for appreciating my journey so far.

      Blessings to you and may “a way with words” reach far beyond and provide healing to all those who you touch with your beautiful writing.


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