Category Archives: Humanity

Fallen Leaves…Awakened Minds


Flashes of images stirring up my mind…of green leaves turning brown and yellow as they fall to the ground.

Hello there…

Aren’t you looking so grand today?

Majestic Grand Tree

Majestic Grand Tree

Hanging strong, up in your beautiful kingdom

Enjoying the scenery from up above

Whispering words of glory, as the wind blows its breeze through your alluring leaves

Spreading warmth and touching our skin with kisses that feel like velvet

Aren’t you looking so pretty and so satisfied?

You smile as you watch the passers by, the loved ones holding hands, the sad ones debating their lives

You empathize when you hear the voices in people’s minds, as they rush past you

Passers By

Passers By

Yet, you know this will come to an end and what you once enjoyed from up above, will become a past that you will reminisce

Fallen Leaves Awakened Minds

Fallen Leaves Awakened Minds

Hang on in there

Fallen Leaves Awakened Minds

Fallen Leaves Awakened Minds

For who you once were….You still are

You might have fallen today, you might be broken

Fallen Leaf Awakened Mind

Broken Leaf Awakened Mind

But your spirit lives on to tell the story of the many seasons to come

Each carrying different feelings, different experiences, different colors, different symbols

Fallen Leaves Awakened Minds

Fallen Leaves Awakened Minds

Fear not the seasons dear friend, for…

You live on….

On Light and Love-November Mysteries

On Light and Love-November Mysteries

In the event that November is the month of an awakening in humanity according to many sources; a solar eclipse, a frosty moon, a new age, a new channel, a new chapter in our existence, symbolized by the Phoenix that promises a rise above and beyond to those who seek and to those who deserve.

I welcome November and it’s long awaited mysteries and light, with my post that was hanging in as a draft for the last 2 months:

Soul of a Gypsy was born during a phase in my life in which I needed to break free from physical existence, and connect with what is beyond, where my words would travel through the universe, and introduce me to great minds and souls, and connect us through a common power known as “the word” and it doesn’t seize to amaze me how it continues to do so until today.

It is true that breaking from the physical connection was wonderful, however as I still do exist in this physical dimension, it became difficult for me to transition or balance, especially that the physical dimension was putting a lot of pressure to continue my journey as per its rules, otherwise I wouldn’t stand a chance of survival. So another challenge was awaiting me around the corner and while I tried resisting, it would push back until I felt so helpless, and on the verge of defeat, when a friend from across the globe (you might have guessed how we met), got in touch and told me “things are going to get better”. It wasn’t until she mentioned to me, a word, a symbol, a thought, something that I had long forgotten….“Light”

Light, a simple yet such powerful element, that any living and breathing being needs, to grow, to breath, to “synthesize”  and so is a simple thought that desires to emerge into reality, it will require light.

What an amazing fact, anything needs love and light to grow, to live, to breath, to be nurtured and to survive in the now and beyond.

Thanks to my friend, light now overshadows the dark and it will always do.

So November, here you are shedding your light and rays, and here I am anticipating again, an emergence of humanity into light, a better new age and a better tomorrow!

And so be it.


Home Sick

Echoes from Home

Even a gypsy soul wants a place to call home.

Where is home?

It’s a place that I would call my own

It’s a place where I can run free

It’s a place I want to be

My home

It’s a place filled with peace

It’s not shallow, it’s not dark

It’s a space, colored with Love

My home

It’s a place so wonderful, so warm

It’s a place so honest, and so me…

It’s a place that constantly manifests the truth..

My home

My home is the universe for I am a roaming gypsy soul destined to keep traveling, seeking and learning and enjoying every bit of my journey…